Saturday, February 8, 2014

haf way gone

This past week I hit my halfway mark. Nine months means I'm just as far in as I'll ever be out. Actually, I don't quite know what that means, but that lyric is from the ironic song, so I thought it made sense. ...maybe
It was a crazy week--but there was a lot of celebrating. Mostly with chocolate milk. And chinese food. BECAUSE IT WAS CHINESE NEW YEAR! Happy year of the horse, everybody! I hope it was almost just as great as the real new year. We met with our chinese investigator that day and she made us chinese dessert.... It was vegetable soup. No wonder those chinese people are so tiny. They have vegetable soup for dessert. Then we went and ate with a family that used to live in China. They are WONDERFUL.
The attribute of the week was faith. and I ahve no idea what to say about faith. But I know that it's the only way that we can get to the places we need to be and become the people we need to be. Faith to follow a prompting. Fatih to keep on going. Faith is hard. Sometimes, right when we think we understand it, it becomes a little more mysterious. But the important thing is that when we have faith, when we allow that light to be our guide, no matter how foggy the day, everything will turn out right.
I am over on time and dont have any idea what to say. Last week we went to the monument where the first baptism in the Netherlands was done--in the small crook of the canal. It's amazing what that miracle has become--and it's incredbile what is yet to come because of it. I am thankful for the pioneers--the ones who paved the way, the ones who have already blazed the trail, who have set the example, and whose footsteps I am now able to follow. I am so thankful for eh sacrifices. And I am thankful for those today who are willing to make those sacrifices still, to accpet the ultimate sacrifice that Christ made for us. And it was all along the trail of faith.
Zuster Hoff

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