Monday, November 10, 2014

I AM .......... coming home! nov 10

Title: I AM.
So this week was good! We had a lot of cancellations and some moments where motivation was a little out of sight, but we fought our way through it and did it well! We had an investigator from  Suriname make us peanut soup, we had some real good lessons, we went to Den Haag one night and split with some of their ward members to look up some members--it was really fun. I got to talking to this lady about my mission and all the things I've learned--like how hard work brings results and how no single missionary has success--we work together to bring salvation to these people and it is all in the Lord's success. I learned through talking it out that the worth of souls really is so great in the sight of God.
And then we had days where all we did was look ups and finding. But it was really cool, on Saturday, we just went out with a few names and addresses and we found some real cool people--everyone we looked up was home, we made 7appointments, and we had some real good conversations. There was this couple we stopped, and we stardted talking about the restoration with them, and the woman said "You can preach really well. You should do something with that." And then the man looks at her and goes "she is!" Haha.
And that's right, I am! How great is my calling!
Well. Only one week to go. Freaky. Well, I'm still in denial.
Tot volgend week!
Zuster Hoff

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I'm going there someday -- oct 20

Title: I'm going there someday...Actually, I went there last week

Title credit: Zuster Spencer. 
So as you may have guessed from the title, last week was TEMPLE CONFERENCE! It was so good! The nice thing about living so close to the temple is that for temple conference, you can get up at the normal time and just have a nice bike ride to the temple. 15 minutes, everyone. It was wonderful. Going to the temple so seldomly really makes it a special thing when the time finally comes around again to go. And it was so good to see my old companions and be able to talk to them and have a wonderful, uplifting time together. After the temple session, we went to the church and had a conference where we learned about studying. Humility time, folks. And before this, actually, all of the people going home had to stand up and give their "dying" testimonies. And this time, I was a part of that group. It was so strange. I realized before I stood up there to give my testimony that I didn't want to sound stupid. I knew that there were going to be about 15 other people who also had to give their testimonies, so it would have to be short, so I brainstormed a few points that I wanted to share and rehearsed it in my head so that it sounded good when I said it. And then I stood up and I said:

I don't feel like this is real. I don't feel like I'm going home soon. And sometimes I have to give myself a reality check and say "okay. I'm going home in 5 weeks." And then I think "five weeks? that's not even any time to do anything." But then I remember when Elder Texiaria came to this mission and gave a conference. He asked "who is the missionary who is going home next?" This one elder raised his hand. Elder Texiaria asked him how many days he had left. The Elder answered "16." And then Elder Texiaria said "imagine the mortal mission of Jesus Christ without the last 16 days." And then I realize that there is still work to do, prayers to pray, and....probably a lot of suffering. On my mission I've really come to know that Jesus Christ is the source of all healing. He has healed me. He can heal you. And He can heal the people you work with. I have really come to learn the difference between trusting in the Lord with all my heart and leaning to my own understanding. And when I trust in the Lord with all my heart--that's when I see miracles. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

After the conference, I went on exchanges with a sister who had only been in the land for four weeks in Almere. Being with her and hearing her questions and insights, it made me reflect to where I was about 16 months ago. And I saw for the first time how far I had truly come. A year and a half is so short, but it is so much time to learn and grow. She asked me what one of the biggest lessons I've learned is, and I told her that it was prayer. Learning how to pray. When I was in my first city, I knelt down one night to pray, tired of the same old prayer routine and feeling like I was praying just to pray. And so I decided to pray until I felt something. And when I prayed and put my heart and soul into communicating with my Heavenly Father, I felt His reply. I felt His comfort. I felt His approval. I felt His love. And as I continued to pray with purpose and with the expectation that God would give me answers because I was His child and He loved me, He has answered me. He has blessed me. And better yet, He has blessed those I loved, whom I also prayed for. 

I know that this gospel is true, or there would be no logical explanation for the joy I feel in my heart when I share it and when I live it. I love that the Lord hath seeth it fit to put me in the places I have been with the people I have been with. And I love, love, love, love all of it. 

Zuster Hoff

The Extension - oct 27

Title: The Extension

This week was SO GOOD. It's one of those weeks that you just know the spirit guided you to all of the people and through all of the things you did. Looking back on it, it was just good. And now I'm looking at this week that's coming up and it's so weird. In my head, I know that all of the sisters I came into the field with--including my current companion, are going home on Wednesday. But I just cannot register it. I don't believe it. And that's probably because I'm staying. And I can't even imagine going home right now. There is so much work left to do here. And I think back onto the moment I decided to extend. I was inside my apartment and I just wanted to be out--talking to people, visiting people, doing something--but my companion was sick and taking a nap and so I decided to continue writing a song in Dutch to do a little language study. And this song was about the wise men. And as I was studying, and as I was writing, I began to just think a little about my mission and everything--and I realized... I loved being a missionary. And I had been praying lately about extending, putting all of the pros and cons out there and just asking if that's what I needed to do--kind of a little bit hoping that it wasn't because, for one, missions are hard, and two--Halloween. Come on. But I got this swelling, burning, overwhelming feeling in my chest that it was good. And it overflowed out my eyes and I creid and all of the reasons in my head that argued to go home at my regular date had no pull on my heart. And I knew I needed to stay. That song I wrote in Dutch has been a powerful reminder to me to stand as a witness of Christ--because that's why I came here. And a few weeks later, I wrote a song called 'Stay.' (I know...original title, eh?) It's in english, so you'll understand it. And it goes like this:

We often say--I'll go where you want me to go. 
And we ofter hope--that those are places we like also. 
We often say--I'll do what you want me to do.
But the times are all too few that we have the courage to.
And we often say-- "I'll say what you want me to say"
and yet the words...they don't come right away.
But how often do we think--that we are exactly where we're of need?
So I'll stay where you need me to stay--yeah, I know sometimes I think I've got a better way
but that's okay--I'm not afraid of the hard days anymore.
Let whatever come as it may, yeah those storms may rage as the dirt sprays back in my face
even if that's what I have to take-- I will stay. Steadfast, I pray.

We often think--"I'm not of much use around here"
And we often shed tears and give in to fear.
We let ourselves believe that others are better than we
That's why they're seen--or so it seems. 
And we often feel that everything's a little surreal. 
routinely spinning round the wheel and there's not quite enough time to heal.
But how often do we remember--that He is our greatest mender?
So I'll stay where you need me to stay yeah I remind myself that in your arms, I'm always safe
I'm okay--I've got your grace and a small taste of your love
And if the storms come--as they may and they rage--and I fall flat on my face,
Your hand, I'll take to get back up and stay.Steadfast I pray.

Sometimes, let's be honest, we forget that we have the promise
That all along the way--by us, He'll stay. 

So I'll stay where you need me to stay--yeah, I know sometimes I think I've got a better way
but that's okay--I'm not afraid of the hard days anymore.
Yeah I'll stay where you need me to stay yeah I remind myself that in your arms, I'm always safe
I'm okay--I've got your grace and a small taste of your love
And those storms--they have a way of breaking every faint desire to stay
but these are the days to stand back up and stay. Steadfast I pray. 

Steadfast I pray. Steadfast I'll stay. 

It's only three weeks--but it's enough. There is so much that can happen--so many miracles, so many laughs, so many lessons to be learned and so much growth. I am excited to see what it brings. LET THE ADVENTURES BEGIN. 

Zuster Hoff

Saturday, October 4, 2014

September 29

Title: Interviews.
So. The weeks are going by really fast and I don't even know what is happening. I guess I'll start with today.
Today was preparation day but we had interviews with President this morning in Den Haag. My companion was talking for like 50 minutes, which means I got to enjoy the company of his wife for those 50 minutes and it was really neat. I told her that I wished I could stay a lot longer on my mission because I feel that there are things that I haven't had time to learn and skills I haven't had time to master and she asked me some really soul searching questions about my desires, about my motivations, and really about my relationship with Christ. She said that we can know, in detail, the sequence and order of the events in Christ's life and in His Atonement. We can know what the Atonement covers and what the enabling aspects are, what the forgiveness and justice and mercy requirements are that it satisfies, and what that means for us and our salvation--but we don't know the full measure of that until we understand that Christ is our friend. It was real cool. Then President's after mission advice for me was to go to the college where the football team has the best win record. Spiritual boost today: acquired.
Since we were in Den Haag, we went to the Haagse Markt, which is apparently the biggest street market in Europe. Cool, eh? Maybe they just say that, but...I believe it. I got some skirts. It was nice.
Also, we had this dinner appointment last night and they made us this Suriname dish called Roti. I don't know how I've made it this long in this country without Roti, but it's a disgrace. It is seriously the best thing ever. And you eat it with your hands. Score.

Well,folks. It's been real. Til next week.
Zuster Hoff

DREAM BIG ! sept 22

Title: Dream Big

So the song says: dream big, as big as the ocean blue, because when you dream it might come true. 
the other song says: keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart. 
then of course some songs say things like a dream is a wish your heart makes. 

these are all really good things about dreams. 

I always told everybody that I had two mission dreams. The one was to serve in Belgium. The other was to train. And now that I'm on my very last transfer, it is plain to see that neither of those things are going to happen. And that made me really sad last week because I felt like coming on my mission, I wasn't ablet o make anything of myself. I feel like I have loved my mission but that it has gone way too fast and that I didn't have enough time to do all the things I wanted to do and learn all the things I wanted to learn and develop into the person I need to develop into in this phase of my life. Of course progression continues after the mission, but there are some skills as a missionary that I can only perfect AS a missionary. And it's been a little disheartening, especially after leaving a city I thought I was for sure going to stay in and not having any time to say goodbye. 

But when I got to Zoetermeer I felt so good. It's been a healing process for sure. But it feels like home here. I know that I don't know these people and have never met them but they are all so familiar to me. I feel so at home. the work is going incredibly, the ward is amazing, and let's be honest, it's probably because the temple is in Zoetermeer, but there's just an enchantment in this city. And I know I'm supposed to be here with these people at this time. And I reflected on a time that I was in Assen many transfers ago and I said that I wanted to end my mission in Zoetermeer. And I read back to a diary page in my journal from 7 May 2013 that says "I talked to Zuster Spencer today and she says she feels we're going to be companions in the field. That would be SO cool! We would have SO much fun!" And I just think-- dreams do come true. Maybe they're not the dreams I thought I had. Maybe they aren't the dreams that I thought I had. But they're the dreams God seeth fit to grant me. And I am so incredibly thankful and blessed that I am in a situation where I KNOW that I am where I am supposed to be and with who I am supposed to be because God is the one who called me here Himself. And what a blessing it is that I love it. 

I wrote a song about 2 months ago with a chorus that said "I'll stay where you need me to stay, I remind myself that in Your arms, I'm always safe, yes, I'm okay. I've got your grace and a small taste of your love. And if the storms come, as they may, and they rage, and I fall flat on my face--you're hand I'll take, to get back up and stay. Steadfast I pray."

I love my Savior and the strength He gives me to bloom where I'm planted. 

Love you all!
Zuster Hoff

september 15

Title: I Don't Always See Sunflowers

What happened this week? Whitewash. Stolen bike. Elder Ballard. Blessings. Rotterdam Philharmonic. Baptismal date with Eritrea. Mouse proofed house.

Yep. So The transfer call came yesterday. The transfer call that said we'd be being white washed. Let's get that out of the way right now. My comp is leaving to go home. I am going to Zoetermeer. And my new companion is going to be ZUSTER SPENCER--we've prophesied of our eventual companionship since the MTC, and sure enough, our last transfer, it has come to pass! We're both pretty stoked. 

My bike got stolen. So I'll be moving to my fifth city and my fifth bike. Luckily one of the sisters going home is real happy to give me her bike. I love her. 

Elder Ballard came. It was incredible. I learned so much from him. Like what? You have no time to be anything but great. Teach the message and importance of the Restoration. Make people FEEL your testimony. Make sure they know how to PRAY. Man, that man is an apostle of God, I'll tell you what. And I got to shake his hand! I was the very last one. Best for last, right? :) 

I got a blessing! My first blessing on my mission. I know that the priesthood is real, it helped so much! I usually don't ask for blessings but I did and it was so good! God wants to help us and he is just waiting until we are willing to humble ourselves enough to acknowledge that we cant help ourselves as much as He can. It was wonderful. The priesthood holder said afterwards Ï don't always see sunflowers when I give blessings." It was funny in context. But also cool. 

A couple in our ward are from Russia and they are world famous violin players and they LOVE us so the husband is first chair in the Rotterdam Philharmonic and so they got us tickets AND permission from President to go! It was insane. I ached for my bass again. 

The Eritrean family dad wants to get baptized! They all have hearts of gold. We did an activity with them with footsteps and had them follow the footsteps to the picture of Jesus and on the footsteps were the steps of the gospel--the little girl did it first and when she got to Jesus, she kissed the photo. It was PRECIOUS. I am going to miss them hardcore. 

Aaand we also mouse proofed our house. all our food is in containers and we don't know what is where. So it'll be an adventure for these new sisters coming in. 

I love you friends! Have a great week! 

Zuster Hoff

September 8

Title: Nothing is Veilig!

Nothing is safe!
Well I don't have that much time this week to tell all the things I wanna tell but GUESS WHAT. We went stealth ninja style to catch some mice and using the trashcantilted on it's side, we did catch a mouse. We thought we heard her so we lifted it up normally and peeked in and you know what we found? Sure enough,  a mouse. AND THEN ALSO HER FIVE BABIES THAT SHE JSUT HAD. So we took out the trash (yeah, companion's idea, I don't know what I would've done differently but now they're out of the house at least...) and cleaned the whole kitched because nothing is veilig, and after we cleaned everything the mice could have touched...we sat on the couch for a few minutes and then we saw it....another mouse came out onto the counter. And then there was one under the fridge. THERE IS A MOUSE ARMY. SO we stayed up trying to catch the others, but with no luck. These mice are like super trained or something. I remembered that once I caught a mouse using duct tape so we put that all over and the mice avoided that, too! So it seems like this mouse in the house saga is to be continued...and until then, NOTHING IS VEILIG! 

In other news, we set a baptismal date with Curicao! He's the coolest! We also brought the elders to give Our Eritrean family blessings. It is so sweet because even though they don't really understand english or dutch, they are so sensitive to the spirit. They speak the language of the spirit, and that is the most important. We've also been doing some really cool things like going to cheese farms and windmills and other fun places before my comp goes home. It's been a party. Today we're going to that place where i's like Holland in miniature. It's called Maduradam or something. It's gonna be really cool.

We also had this really cool miracle this week where we were knocking doors like all dat and this lady belled us in without knowing who we were and then when she heard that we were missionaries she invited us right on in and we taught her the restoration and she said 6 weeks ago she left her church and has been looking for a new one and wants to come to our church and has been asking God and that we were sent from him. She said she'd come to church and it was a really cool miracle! then she called two days later ad dropped us. 
Such is the life. 
And it's WONDERFUL. I wouldn't trade it for anythin--and I ask the Lord everynight ....FOR JUST ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE! 
That's today! 
I love you all!
Zuster Hoff

September 1

Title: A Mouse in the House

I know what you're probably thinking--"wow, Zuster Hoff has decided to do a Dr. Seuss style blog post" and you would be wrong. 
Of course the other possibility is that you were thinking "Oh, no. There's a mouse in Zuster Hoff and Zuster Mizell's apartment." And on that note, you would be right. Not only do we have a mouse, but we have the smartest mouse ever. You would think, "hey let's get a trap and put peanut butter on it. Mice like peanut butter." And then when it doesn't eat the peanut butter, you'd be like "well maybe he likes cheese better." And then when that doesn't work and you figure, "Oh, he's a Dutch mouse, he must like stroopwafels" and you try to catch him with a stroopwafel, HE STILL WONT JUST FALL FOR IT. 

So then you give in to mouse poison. But then, I came out to get a drink of water in the middle of the night and there he was. Running across the counter--out of sight. Indicating that he is still alive. And it turns out that nothing is going to kill this mouse. He is invicible. So we have decided to replace his name, Mickey, and call him Albert. 

And on that note, I don't really know a good segway (is that how you spell that word?) into talking about other things this week, but I guess I could say that sometimes, we are the mouse that the world is trying to catch, and often times we have to outsmart the traps, and the poison that comes our way. And sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard but it's always possible. My companion always says that there are three things in life that are sure-- 1. taxes 2. death and 3. the Atonement. And with the Atonement we can overcome all obstacles, (even the first two. haha just kidding about the taxes I have no idea how to overcome that one.) 

This week in missionary work was good. We found lost sheep (many who didn't wanna come back to the fold :( ) and we had some great lessons with Eritrea! They are the cutest. They couldn't come to church this week but they wanted to--they had family visiting. But our other investigator from Curicao came! He was even an HOUR early. That's what's up.

Yep yep yep, we're just rollin on a river...or..canal...but rollin on a canal doesn't have the same flow. 
wow...that opened the door for a lot more puns that I am NOT GOING TO MAKE. 
Okay. Love you all!


Auguat 25

Title: "Wij zijn ook Thank You."

The title literally translated means "we are also 'thank you'" You may be thinking--that is not correct verb use there. You would be right. But when the cutest little Eritrean family tells you that they are also thank you, you do not do anything but smile and possibly cry because of how unbelievably cute they are. 

This week, we met with them three times. The third one was at church because they came to church! And they liked it! IT WAS SO GOOD. They said they felt so good and it felt so good to have them there. 
The first time we met with them they showed us pictures of their 9 yeear old son in the hospital. They said that the first time we met them, it was the day that he got out of the hospital and that when we talked to them for the first time, they knew that we had a message for them from God. They said that in their country, there were no people that would teach them about understanding scripture and that they were so happy that we could help them. Then he asked a heartbreaking question of why the Book of Mormon wasn't translated in Trigrenia. 

The next appointment we apologized that the Book of Mormon wasn't in their first language, but he said it didn't matter. That it was in Amharic and that was good enough. and that if it wasn't in Amharic, they'd learn it in Dutch or in English, but no matter what, they were learning it. 

Every time before we leave we thank them for being the sweetest people in the world and letting us in their home to teach them and being so willing to learn, but when they say it back--when they look into our eyes and say "wij zijn ook thank you" we know that as much as we are thankful for them, they are even more thankful for us. I've only ever felt that few times in my mission--but it's beautiful to see that what we are offering people is a way to eternal life. Eternal joy. And eternal families. And it's something that they could never really repay us for. And because they recognize this-- because they are some of the few that realize how important this is-- I am also thank you.


Zuster Hoff

August 18

Title: Out of Africa

Is that the title of the book? I don't remember. But I wasn't trying to play off of a book title, I've just had some really special experiences with Africans this week.

So I explained about the Eritrian family (who speaks Tegrinia) and the other man from the Congo who stopped us outside the library last week, right? Cool. Well, the plot thickens.
That sounds like it's bad. But it's actually so so good! Well. Maybe. 

It has been a super good week. Things with the Eritrian family are going SPLENDIDLY. They were going to come to church but didn't have enough money and didn't tell us until it was too late to find a ride (20 minutes before sacrament meeting.) So sad. But they are just the cutest! They want to learn so bad! We went over to help them move and asked what we could do to help and they said "just teach us. we just want to learn" and the next appointment we watched the Joseph Smith film and they wanted to keep it so they could watch it again. They are so good. Oh, my heart.

then we met with the man from outside the library. We will call him Congo, beacuse I'm feeling quite uncreative. We met with him and even had this member come with who is just fantastic and it was so good, and he wants to get baptized, but he was told that he could not get baptized if he was planning to break commandments.  The thing is, he is apparently the president of this organization that wants to kill the president of the Congo. He was at one point years ago a judge and he had some sort of power struggle with the President and apparently the President wants him dead too and anyway. It was kindof an interesting situation--he's a really smart, friendly guy--the stake president was a fellowshipper way back when and said that he's harmless, but...yeah. So he had all of his books out that he had recieved when he was taught years ago by the other missionaries, so I had coincidentally read in the Doctrine and Convenants 98 that morning about forgiveness, and luckily I can read French, so I opened up to it in his triple and told him to read it. He loved it. He even got up to get a pen so that he could mark it. We told him about God making it possible for us to keep His commandments. And even though he didn't speak much Dutch or English, it was a pretty powerful lesson.

I love the principles of the gospel--especially the principle of forgiveness. Forgiving is freeing. Being forgiven is freeing. What a great hope it is to know that we can be forgiven and that as we forgive others and see them for who they are, they can become who they "ought to be."
brb becoming who I ought to be
Zuster Hoff

Singing in the Rain July 28

Title: Singing in the Rain

So we had zone training last week and that was the first time that I have honestly not received any mail whatsoever from anyone. No letters. I remembered an elder at the beginning of my mission who only had a few transfers left and he hadn't gotten any mail that conference and he assured me that there comes a point that we all enter into the forgotten phase where we've been out too long and nobody wants to keep contact anymore, and I believed it would come, but I hoped it wouldn't. But now I have gotten there. And it's sad to be in the forgotten phase. (Plus, I'm pretty sure none of my companions will ever be there...they're all way too cool.) 

But anyway, this last week was Pioneer Day! And of course I had to call everybody in my district and give them some pioneer trivia--such as how long ago was Salt Lake City declared as "the place"? [1847] What was Brigham Young ill with when entering into the valley? [Mountain Fever] What did the pioneer children do as they walked and walked and walked and walked? [Sing. According to the primary song, right?] 

So I think of these pioneer children and families--not only possibly forgotten for long term because they weren't coming "home" after a year and a half, but also unable to recieve mail, and they sang. They suffered a lot of hard things and yet they still found joy in their journey. They had purpose. They had cause. I was especialls touched while reading "Our Heritage" and seeing the testimony of one of those men in the Martin Handcart Company.

“I was in that company and my wife was in it. . . . We suffered
beyond anything you can imagine and many died of exposure
and starvation, but did you ever hear a survivor of that company
utter a word of criticism? . . . [We] came through with the absolute
knowledge that God lives for we became acquainted with him in our
“I have pulled my handcart when I was so weak and weary
from illness and lack of food that I could hardly put one foot ahead
of the other. I have looked ahead and seen a patch of sand or a hill
slope and I have said, I can go only that far and there I must give
up, for I cannot pull the load through it. . . . I have gone on to that
sand and when I reached it, the cart began pushing me. I have
looked back many times to see who was pushing my cart, but my
eyes saw no one. I knew then that the angels of God were there.
“Was I sorry that I chose to come by handcart? No. Neither
then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become
acquainted with God was a privilege to pay, and I am thankful that I was
privileged to come in the Martin Handcart Company.”

I am privileged to be in the Belgium/Netherlands mission being a modern day pioneer but way way more fortunate.

Last night it rained like CRAZY and it was my first thunderstorm to experience in this country and it was BEAUTIFUL. I loved it! But this morning we were trapped inside for a while as our door stoop became a beach for the sea of the fallen rain. And it was beautiful.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Detox just to Retox JULY 21

So this week my companion and I totally felt like we had been eating too carelessly lately and wanted to be more disciplined, so we decided to go extreme and detox. It wasn't completely possible because of our dinner appointments, but it was enough to the point that we decided we hated green vegetables after about 2 days. So then we joined in eating a big piece of a giant peanut butter cup that she made (because she makes peanut butter cups from scratch and they are delicious. what up.) 

Anyway, while we were sitting in the apartement for lunch or something one day, I looked pensively to the wall and asked "how does one do a life detox? Like, a detox from life?" 
She looked with like a "duh"expression on her face at me and goes "isn't that what a mission is?" zingggg. 

Detoxing--or rather "detoxing"- while it began to taste like dirt after a while, actually did help me feel healthier and better. It gave enough discipline where I knew that I could really do whatever I wanted to but where I knew that if I wanted to not hate myself, I would make the healthy choice. And yes, after the detox, we definately retoxed. But I think the point is to keep being healthy afterwards. And we're trying. 

A mission is really fun. But sometimes, after a while, sometimes it starts to look like dirt. Sometimes your tan actually is dirt. But mostly it's bike grease and sweat. And it gets really hard to endure. But it is chalked full with such good experiences that make me happy to have spent my time in a good cause. Even though sometimes it has been painful and I have wanted to not leave my apartment or sometimes I've run into days or weeks or months where I'd rather not wake up. Ever. It has been beautiful. And afterwards (wow I can't believe I'm talking about this) I'll be reimmersed in the world and everything, but the point is still to keep in good spiritual health. and the discipline I gain here will help me do that. 

This post took a weird turn and now I don't know what to say but yay detox. 
I love you all.
Stay happy and healthy. 

Hup Holland Hup? JULY 14

Well. The one game we as a mission got to watch, Nederland lost. That's what we get for breakin the rules of the white handbook I guess. OBEDIENCE BRINGS BLESSINGS. EVERY TIME. 

So, what do you do when discouragement sets in? When you realize the weight of your decisions on yourself and others? When your team loses? When your most reliable plans fall through and the people you thought you could count on turn against you? When you feel like everything is against you and you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and just about to crush you down to nothing? Powerless. Struggling. Alone. Sad. 

The mission, as life, is incomplete without these sorts of experience. It's like that quote about the refiner's fire, or that quote about how we either get grinded down or polished up in this stone crusher sort of a world. 

But these are the moments we become humble. We realize the need of God in our lives. The need of our Savior Jesus Christ, who is mighty and able to take our yoke upon him and suffer what we suffer. He is the only one we can count on. And His atonement is everything we need. 

I also hope that exercise and detoxing helps because that's what my plans are. 
I love you all. 

Zuster Hoff

Ten Year Tribute: Hold to the Rod JULY 7 2014

There isn´t too much to report on this week. the days just get really short but the weeks end up being really long and everything blends together. But operation reactivation is going pretty cool, I guess you could say. Setting dates with people to come back to church and be edified by the good word of God. It´s a wonderful life. 

Speaking of the good word of God, the Book of Mormon has a story about an iron rod, which is compared to be the word of God. I have an iron rod that I wear around my neck. My mom sent it to me back in December and told me to remember the carving that Michael did--a small piece of wood with the words carved in `hold to the rod` much like the words on my necklace. Yesterday marked the TENTH YEAR since his death. And every year, on the death date or birthday, I like to do something to remember/honor him. So yesterday I wrote a song. And since I have nothing else to say, I will write it up for you.

It´s called....10 Year Tribute: Hold to the Rod

The prophet Lehi had a dream wherein he saw many things
including a tree--who´s fruit could make one to be exceedingly happy

And he bade his family to come see

Numberless concourses were pressing on all catching hold of the iron rod,
the word of God, for however long it took to see the dawn

And they´d taste the glory of the brightest day,
yet still some people fell away
lost in the mists of darkness.

There was a young boy unsure of where he could turn for joy,

slightly annoyed, a few wrong turns can only lead to tears and burns.

Yet luckily, it was easy to find that good ol´path once left behind
still aligned with pictures in white and arms open wide.

And oh what joy filled the soul when they found he reached the goal 
in the right and preparing for eternity

Yet in a flash after the crash, we become a little taken aback...

and there will be many who say 
why were you taken away 
why oh why did you have to go
I don´t know

and we take all we can find to remind us of the good times

but what they leave behind is the best sign...

After he´s gone, a book, a song,
a suggestion of how to go on,
a hollow log--hold to the rod.

So I´ll grasp onto the end keep pressing on with you my friend

keeping my balance through this mist of darkness

No I don´t ask why anymore, I´ll never know all the answers for sure,
I just put my trust in God and I hold to the rod.
Keep holding on. 

Take me where I belong.

I am thankful for the examples I have in my life of goodness. And I know that I have many. I love my mission and that it lets me get closer to the other side of the viel. Blessed am I.

I love you all! Have a great week! :)


Zuster Hoff

Sticks and Spit June 30

Whale whale whale. We haven't seen any whales I don't know why I started out that way but anyway--can we talk about the fact that it is July tomorrow? Yeah. It's July tomorrow. That is...the month of summer that it becomes really hot in this country. Bring it on. [gently, please.]

Well, I don't really have any cool spiritual experiences that happened this week because I was kinda sick so I spent a lot of time feeling like a zombie and not really "thrusting in my sickle" if you get what I'm sayin [Doctrine and Covenants Section 4] 

BUT we had an appointment with Matt (he moves back to London tomorrow how sad) but we were at his place and he actually lives in this part of town that people call little Morrocco. All the people are Muslim or atleast middle eastern and they don't like white people. Anyway, we bell up to Matt for him to let us in and nobody answers, so we call him up and it turns out he's gonna be a little late so we're like--no problem. We'll just wait. and so we're waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And while we're waiting, we notice these little girls who are just wanting to make trouble. There is this little storage room for bikes and we're standing next to the door and all of a sudden the door opens and one of the girls runs past and throws out a stick. And then she and her friend are just laughing inside the building and thinking they are so smart. Then a few minutes later, the door opens again, and they throw out this huge empty container of laundry detergent. and by this point we're what children. They are bangin on the windows and laughing and whatever and we're deciding to ignore it....until from the balconies, they start SPITTING ON US. It was sick. So we rescheduled with Matt and biked awayyyyy. 

My companion asked "what do you think Jesus would've done in this situation?" Well. Jesus said "suffer the children..." Emphasis on the word SUFFER. 

Just kidding I love children. Most of the time. But I never thought I'd be spit on on my mission. Don't know why that never crossed my mind. BUT while sticks and spit may wish me away, no harassment can take my testimony.  

I coulda made that line cooler but I don't have a lot of time. 
Bottom line-- RISE ABOVE IT. We were made for more than the dross of this world. 


Zuster Hoff

The Extra Push june 23

Miracles Happen. This I know. I even wrote a song about it while I was in Assen. It's about an experience that I had on a Northbound train out of Amsterdam. And the day that I had while I was in Amsterdam. But this experience is about a day I had in Gouda. That's where I am now. And miracles are STILL HAPPENING.

So remember how I told you about looking up George and finding Matt? The plot thickens GEORGE NEVER ACUTALLY LIVED THERE. Crazy, right? So here we have found Matt, this gem of a guy, who is totally ready to be baptized and loves God and has the greatest testimony of gospel principles that I have ever heard, and we tell him--yo. You need to get baptized. and what does he do? AGREE. And now he is praying over dates and telling all his friends and educating everybody on the difference between LDS and FLDS (because that is not even CLOSE to the same faith) and pretty much...that's cool. and we just kinda showed up at the right place at the right time for him to realize this. I was kinda thinking "well, he'd be getting baptized with or without us"but while we weere talking to him last night it was really cool that he expressed his testimony that we were sent from God at the right time to give him that extra push that he needed at this point in his life. God numbers his sheep. He is aware of them. And he loves them.

And whenever I need that extra push in my life-- I know that Christ does not only give me the extra push I need, but he carries me. The atonement is powerful and it is everything. Without it, nothing else really matters. I'm thankful for a life of meaning.

Zuster Hoff

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Jun 16 Title Finding Lost Sheep

One time when I was in Leeuwarden, Zuster Clement and I found this lady after thinking it was hopeless. It was a miracle. And we told our District Leader that we had found a lost sheep and he thought we were serious. So we made it a goal to find a lost sheep. And then one day we did while biking out to the middle of nowhere. But then I stopped my bike way too close to it and freaked it out and ran and it ended up running straight into a gate. Then I realized if you are going to find lost sheep and not have them run away, you gotta keep your distance sometimes. 

But luckily humans aren´t sheep--we are much more intelligent. And this week we found some really, really, really cool sheep. One of them, we will call him Matt, was pretty much the biggest miracle ever. Well. Maybe not but he´s the favorite of the week right now--even thought there are so many to choose from. 

Anyway, an appointment fell through and our back up plan was going to look up a member who had just moved in and invite him to church. Let´s call him George. So we looked him up, and he wasn´t actually home, but a friend was over. Enter Matt. Matt invited us up and talked to us and he was like "oh, you guys are the mormons!" and we were like "yeah!" and come to find out, this man is from England but is here on vacation for the month and he has a lot of friends who are on missions and stuff and he is SO COOL but he gets transferred all over the world for his job and so one time he was living in France and he was almost baptized but a WEEK before his baptism, he was transferred to the middle east. So anyway, we had the coolest converstaion with him, he even still has his Book of Mormon, and well...He definately is so prepared. Good news is that he is here until the end of the month. Bad news is that we only have until the end of the month. But it´s amazing how through a series of unfortunate events, very very fortunate things can happen. Like finding lost sheep. 

May we all make the goal and yearn to find the lost sheep of our lives.
They are there and waiting to be brought back to the fold.
But try not to stop your bike too close to them and freak them out because they might run away. 

Love you all.
Zuster Hof

Applying the Atonement june 9

This week I learned a lot about finding forgiveness, applying the miracle of the atonement and truly repenting. And how repentance is not just a one time thing--it is a continuous process. 

At our district meeting on Tuesday, the district leader gave an incredible "presentation" (?) I guess you could call it, on loving ourselves. I guess this is a constant struggle that a lot of people have. It's difficult to love ourselves. We have to live with ourselves--we know our weaknesses and our faults and shortcomings better than anyone. We see them the most. But too seldomly do we understand that we have to be patient with ourselves and love ourselves through it. We talked about how the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, [insert other fruits from Galatians 5 here] and then the question was posed "how often, in our own communication with ourselves, are these things present? How often do we communicate with ourselves with love and joy and longsuffering and goodness?" Not too often. And then we have to make the connection that if these things aren't present in our communication with ourselves, then the spirit is also not able to be present. and we are not really able to love ourselves. 
The sentence I held onto from that meeting, however, was when he said "If you have these bad feelings where the spirit cannot be present--cast them off. If these feelings are driving you to repentance, repent, and then cast them off. You are too good for them."
So the next day, we were on exchanges and we did service for a member but we stayed way too long and I felt really bad about it. I felt like I had wasted the Lord's time that day. And I wasn't really having good feelings/conversation with myself. But then I remembered that I needed to repent and cast these feelings off--so we went home to change and eat and I said a prayer--pleading for forgiveness and pledging to work more earnestly for the rest of the day. Then we walked out the door with 2 and a half hours left and the where to go (though already planned out in a scattered manner) came clearly and the order too. And we ended up teaching a less active member and also 3 other lessons. And it was miraculous to see that the Lord really doesn't care where you've been or what you've done nearly as much as He does about where you are and where you are willing to go with His help. Maybe "His anger is not turned away, BUT His arms ARE outstretched still." I had to put this same process in force the next few days, every time I felt like I wasn't doing enough. And I relaized that repentance isn't a pit stop--it is a road. But it is not a lonely road-- the Lord is walking with us down it. 

Zuster Hoff

Spiritually Ripped june 2

So this week was awesome. We TASTED 20 lessons but we only got 19. Number 20 was rude to us and turned us away :( sad. Prayers for softened hearts.

Well, yesterday, we did this activity in gospel principles and we taught about the scriptures. We began by giving everybody a piece of paper and saying "okay, imagine you are going to die today and you have 5 minutes to write some of your last words down. It could be a letter to anyone you want, it could be bank account information or passwords--it could be anything you want it to be--but these are your last words." If you were actually in that situation, you'd pour your heart out and tell whoever you're writing everything in your heart. You would maybe cry. I know I did. You would really hope they would read your note and remember you. Then after these 5 minutes, I went up to one of the people and took his paper and ripped it up right in front of him. MAN, he was mad. I felt so bad. He said "I worked so hard on that--I wrote it in my nice handwriting, I put my heart into it, it was almost poetic, and then you just ripped it up." We were then able to compare that to the scriptures. Those are the last words of the prophets. They wrote those for us. Those warnings and promises and blessings and knowledge that they left behind so that we could profit--and when we don't read them and use them, it's as if we are ripping them up, being unappreciative and even careless. As the person tearing up his paper (don't worry, I apologized profusely and now we're friends again) I felt SO bad. It is an awful feeling when you disregard someone's whole hearted, almost poetic attempt to leave you something valuable. And I realized how much I love the scriptures! 
So--my advice to you all is don't rip the scriptures--read them and become spiritually ripped. 

Zuster Hoff

Wonders and Windmills May 26

Went to Kinderdijk today--it was pretty much a lot of. Good pictures!
This week was great. On Saturday, we went to the temple. I took this boy. He's so cute. He even held my hand a lot of the way there. He's FOUR and he is the son of an investigator who is so cute and really wants to get baptized. She's from Brazil and just the sweetest thing. She wanted to go to the temple to sit in the waiting room and just see what she could. It was a beautiful experience and it was really cool to be able to be in the temple. What a great spirit. Other cool  things happened too.
For example, we were looking up a referral who wasn't home the other day and so we decided to knock doors and this one lady's husband was about to take a card but she came down and just said "no no no no!"and she was a little defensive I think and she asked why we were there and we told her we share a card with people and our website and she asked where we were from--like "who sent you which organization who are you and for what purpose are you standing on my door?"and I said "we are personal representatives of Jesus Christ and we share His restored gospel"and she immediately completely changed and she apologized and it was really cool to see the change. There is a power that comes to missionaries, I believe, when we understand that we are personal representatives of Jesus Christ here to share His restord gospel. It was really cool to experience that.
We also tried to use the Book of Mormon more in finding. It was all fun and dandy.
Until I pronounced "macht"as "maagd"--then the man told me he didn't remember reading anything about the "maagd" of the holy ghost in the bible. Ay.  
It's been a good week! Hope you're all havin a good beginning to summer!
Zuster Hoff

HOLLAR from HOLLAND may 19

I just got transferrred to South Holland in a town called Gouda where cheese hangs from the sky and the buildings look like cheese and stroopwafels and the life is GOOD. The church is right across the street from our apartment and the station is right down the street. It's a good place to be! 
On transfer wednesday I had to bid farewell to the funky Friesland and my wonderful companion and come on down to the Rotterdam train station to meet my new companion who greets me with a napkin in her hand, saying "well, I would try to impress you, but a bird just pooped in my hair." Haha. That's a sign you are going to have a fabulous transfer. 
Well. That's all I have today. It's been a crazy week. Hopefully I'll start to figure out this town this week. 
Zuster Hoff

City of Cheese May 12

So transfer calls came late last night and it looks like I'm goin down to GOUDA. Now, I know that people are grossly mispronouncing this name right now, so I'm going to give a pronounciation guide. Gouda is not pronounced like gooo-duh. It is, infact, pronounced *phlegm*-ow-duh. Finally somewhere that's not an hour or more away from EVERYTHING. Behold, the tender mercies of the Lord are upon all.
This past week we had interviews with President and while I was talking to his wife, she committed me (as she said that she was going to commit all of the missionaries) to living the white handbook--or as Tad R. Callister would call it--the book of blessings. As I started calling it the book of blessings a while back, my companion asked "do you think it has more blessings than rules? Maybe we should count" and I came back with "well, every time we keep a rule, we recieve blessings." I was thinking of how obedience is kind of like God's "currency." In heaven, money isn't really going to matter. And even here on earth, it doesn't really matter to God how much money we have. What does matter is if we are obedient. Money wont always make us happy--and it wont ever make us truly happy. Obedience, however, and the blessings and confidence that come from being obedient, will. And so if we stretch this metaphor out a little bit--we can see that the more hours somebody works, the more money he or she recieves from their boss/company who has given them the hours. Well, it follows then that the more commandments that we obey, the more blessings we recieve from our Heavenly Father who has given us the commands. I was thinking about the rules in the white handbook--this handbook that has been written especially for missionaries--and I was thinking about how some of the rules are definately ones that I regard as rules--things that we need to do--for example, don't go swimming or participate in water sports. Don't wear skirts with a slit that comes about the knee. Don't But then there are other ones that I always read over and think "oh that's just a suggestion" such as speak your mission language as much as possible, don't use slang even in letters home, call all of your investigators by brother and sister last name. And it's just really interesting to see how we "rank" the commandments sometimes as some of them being more important than others. We do act like it's a pick and choose "buffet" and that's not the way that they were intended. My companion told me about the quote that says "the most important commandment is the one that keeps you furthest away from God" meaning that whichever commandment you are having the hardest time with is the most important at that time. But as I've found myself hearing about other people's disobedience and "judging them because [they] sin differently than I do" I have realized that I have problems too. And I'm thankful for the atonement. But I'm also thankful for my weaknesses because not only do they humble me, but they allow me to feel empathy.
This is Nothern Downpour--sending my love for the last time
Zuster Hoff

one year anniversary

Title: One Year Anniversary
Is there something for the one year anniversary? Is it paper? or is that five years? Well. I don't know. But I have renamed the one year anniversary the tulip anniversary. Because to celebrate a whole year together, I treated my nametag right this week. I took a pretty great photoshoot of it with the tulips at Keukenhof. I took it to the temple. I showed it off for everyone--really proud to wear that guy on my chest for a whole year now. 
I remember that exactly a year ago on that day I was getting all of my luggage out of the car and saying goodbye to my dad and walking through the MTC building and having them put my nametag on me. At that moment--I was so overcome with joy. I was a representative of Christ. I was about to learn Dutch. I was a MISSIONARY.
And I still am. I have gotten a few letters lately from different people who have reminded me how lucky I am to be a missionary. I have too often taken my nametag for granted. I have not worn it as proudly as I should. I have not respected the authority that it deserves. But what a silly thing to take for granted when the there are only 18 short months--18 fast sundays--that I will be able to wear it for.
Appreciate the good, the bad, and the crazy. Because the one year anniversary is the only one I'll get.
It's Cinco de Mayo. But the Dutch call it--Bevrijdingsdag. I don't care what they call it, as long as it's a party :)
Zuster Hoff

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Title: Fields of Stripes
It's tulip season! Have I already talked about the tulips? Who cares! Who can say too much of tulips when they live in the Netherlands? WE GET TO GO TO KEUKENHOFF TOMORROW! YAY TULIPS! it is so surreal how picturesque the tulips actually are. It's so beautiful. I hope there are windmills at Keukenhoff. I don't really know if Keukenhoff has two f's or one but hoff is better with two fs.
Springtime doesn't only mean tulips, however. Springtime also means KONINGDAG. That is to say, Kingsday. this weekend was the first Kingsday in a long time since it has been Queen's day for the past few years. But anyway--long live the king. It's the biggest party I have ever seen. Everyone is wearing orange and Nederland colors, there are a ton of people out on the street selling all of their old stuff like one giant garage sale (I found a guitar for 3 euros! and have gotten blisters on my fingers because of trying to get those callouses back--it is painful! but the really cool thing is that there is a chord chart in the back of the children's song book to help me remember all the chords. this guitar was probably an answer to my prayers about how to teach these families with children effectively. MUSIC. What a perfect answer.) We had a booth in the Groningen centrum area to give away copies of the Book of Mormon and talk to people. My thoughts about it at first were "oh here we go again."I thought of that day back when I was in Breda and we did a booth in this small town called Ramsdonksveer and NOBODY had ANY interest and they threw our cards on the ground and were not nice. But oh me of little faith, we gave out somewhere around 80 copies of the Book of Mormon and people were talking to us a lot and not that many people threw our cards on the ground and a lot of them were nice (unless they were drunk...). My companion and I went a little further away from the booth and gave out cards. I gave one to a young adult girl and about a minute lady she came back with about 6 of her friends and they were asking questions and were really interested. It was so cool to see that. Of course, there were other people who took copies of the Book of Mormon and ripped it up so there were pages in the streets, but there will be opposition in all things. I really liked Elder Holland's talk this past confrerence about the cost of discipleship. Why do we go on missions to have our most cherished beliefs spit upon and torn in to? Because the alternative is to have our house "left unto us desolate."
I was thinking--if this is the kind of celebration the dutch put on for their king--where is the celebration that we put on for ours? Where is our "King of King's day"? Where people are giving away their old bad habits and sins instead of their old useless junk in the closet and getting blessings instead of money for it--where people are proudly "showing their faith"like Elder Nelson directs and not "checking [their] religion at the door" which Holland strongly cautioned against--where instead of crowding and pushing, people are helping and loving and working together to build eachother up and LOVE. You could call that the Christmas season, but I still don't even see it then. But that's really something that has made me think--"how do I celebrate my King."
It has been one year now since the day I was sitting in the Stake President's office with my family and being set apart by priesthood power to a plane of higher living as a messenger of Christ. What a privilege it has been to be alive this past year. This week, I will celebrate the one year anniversary with my nametag.
Zuster Hoff



I've learned a lot, as a missionary, about why it is important that we have weaknesses. I've understood that having weaknesses helps us to gain empathy. 
For example-- my companion and I tried to help one of our investigators learn how to read. She's from Africa and it's really hard for her to learn because it's not something that she is used to. She feels like learning how to read is something that she could never be able to do--and even after just teaching her the alphabet sounds, she became frustrated and discouraged. Well, the next day, because we're teaching some chinese people, our ward mission leader thinks that it would be important for us to learn chinese (even though we should probably learn dutch first...) and so Sara tried to help me learn the sounds that all the letters make in Chinese. I would make the sound after her and try to imitate her, and she would correct me. Even after I was pretty certain that I had made exactly the same sound as her, she would still tell me I wasn't doing it right. I didn't understand how on earch I could change what I was doing to match her example--afterall, she is the Chinese one. And even now I don't really have a lot of faith that I wil ever learn Chinese (I don't know if I'm really that dedicated.) But I think these small moments are the moments that I can take a step back and understand--yes. People are full of shortcomings and weaknesses, but so am I. And the Lord still loves me.  
So being a Sister Training Leader's companion for about half my mission, I have realized that working with different people is a privilege--to be able to learn from them and understand them and be able to help them and have them help you because we're all, everybody on this earth, in the learning process. And you cant really do a lot of good and help other people if you don't understand where they're coming from--if you don't put yourself in their shoes and try to walk with them. 

It was a beautiful easter sunday and I hope you all were able to contemplate the easter story and what it means to know that Christ is risen!

I love you all and hope that you have a fijne week. 
Zuster Hoff


Title: The Missionary Laws of Physics
The laws of physics as a missionary are as follows (this applies mainly for the Netherlands but I wouldn't be surprised if it's mostly universal.)
1. If you are biking and the wind is against you, when you turn around to go the opposite direction at any point (after an appointment/church/whatever) the wind will also change to, once again, be against you.
2. If you are running a little bit late for the train, and you get there a minute after it was supposed to come, it will already be gone. But, if you are on time and need it to come on time, it will be atleast 5 minutes late.
3. If it takes you 15 minutes to get to an person's house and you only have 13 minutes, but you increase the speed of your biking to be able to cut off those two minutes, you will still be late. But, if you are not in a hurry and bike leisurely, it will only take 10 minutes.
4. Your bike will never ride smoothly and without problems for longer than two weeks. Also, if someone (your dad, for example) asks how your bike is doing, and you say good, that week there will be a problem.
5. Your brain starts to be in sync with your companion's and you start dressing in the same color schemes on the same days and matching ridiculously well. Like you planned it.  
But even when the wind is against you, your bike is having problems, you've missed the train, you're going to be late and you and your companion look like you're trying to be twinners, there is still a reason to keep going. And that reason is Jesus Christ and the miracle of the atonement that says that each and every day, we have a new opportunity for excellence. A brand new page to make into anything you want to (and if you're a missionary, you'll probably make it a drawing of the plan of salvation/gospel of Jesus Christ, a thank you note, or a conference bingo board, according to the situation.)
"The gospel is true and I love you"."-Kim Williams
Zuster Hoff


Title: Don't Hate--Consecrate
So absent-mindedly before I took a shower the other morning, I said "don't hate--appreciate." I don't know why. I just say things sometimes without really thinking about them. So anyway, it came to companion study and my companion had apparently been so inspired by that 3 word statement that she spent her entire personal study studying charity and all of the things we could do instead of hate--relate, create, instigate, rate, wait, congregate, illuminate....and all other things creative. We had made a transfer goal to be more charity minded, and so these little chant things have now become our life. For example-- "when your companion makes you late and you have to catch a train--don't hate, accelerate."Or..."when the road is split in two so that a boat can go on through--don't hate, wait." Or..."when the dikes break and put your life at stake, don't hate--evacuate!"(hopefully that wont happen...but it is the first monday of the month and that's always the day they test the dike alarms to see if they work.) You get the point. We have decided that the overall THEME for our transfer, however, is "don't hate--consecrate." And this, because, well, have you read the talk "Becoming a Consecrated Missionary"? That's why.
The crownin event this week that helped me stop hatin was that General Conference. I love when the prophet and apostles get up and speak. Their words are so good and I am so glad to have been able to hear them. I am so thankful for the opportunity that we have to recieve guidance and council from them. They're words are definitely inspired and I learn so much. The spirit is real there. We played conference bingo,ate an M&M for every time they said the word "atonement," and enjoyed. The talks about love are probably soon to be printed out and posted over our whole apartment.
This week was really special because we had some really great days. We went from town to tuin (tuin, pronounced like town, means garden in dutch. the backyard type of garden. the ordinary garden. not the super special hof type of garden.) anyway, we did a lot of garden work. I feel like doing garden work really enhances one's understanding of the scriptures. On friday, we basically lived Jacod 5 and the parable of the olive tree and grafting in of the branches in the vineyard. I did a lot of pruning, all the while, the phrase "I am the gardener here, and I know exactly what I want you to be." and "thank you, Mr. Gardner, for cutting me down. For loving me enough to hurt me"(if you don't know that mormon message, look it up!) I did a lot of grafting in of the branches, all the while thinking of the Savior's love for us and patience with us. It isn't easy, grafting branches. You have to wait until they match up really well and then bind em together. You have to make sure you don't cut your thumb. You have to make sure the top isn't too heavy for the bottom to support.But the servant in the vineyard goes forth everytime, to prune and to graft in the branches, all the while knowing that there is nothing more that He could be doing for His vineyard. What more could I be doing for mine? I like to think that that is my mission question-- I hope that I can look back and honestly be able to ask myself-- "what more could I have done for my vineyard?" That is my unquenchable quest.
Highlights of the week (besides general conference and living Jacob 5) are:
-jumping on a trampoline
-holding a duck
-acquiring duck eggs
-swinging across a tiny canal on a rope swing
-climbing a tree
not sure if these things are really that kosher with the white handbook but I wasn't able to find evidence against it. Also, we were with an investigator..'s neighbor. That's good, right?
well, kids. Don't hate. Consecrate. Give life your all--these are your "four minutes." And if you're thinking "I already messed up, I already blew my 4 minutes' then you need to STOP thinking that and NEVER think it again."
Love's the only house.
Zuster Hoff

Monday, March 31, 2014

Amazing Grace

Title: Amazing Grace
When beautiful events happen on a mission, all of the worrying about numbers and key indicators and other techinical factors disappear--and I remember what I'm here for. God's children. Serving the Lord. And finding joy in the journey.
One of the most beautiful moments I have ever witnessed on my mission was the event this past weekend of Sara getting baptized. She was dressed in a long white dress that made her look like an angel. She said she felt like she was wearing pajamas. She was sitting in front of me as I was explaining what would happen and she got very quiet. Puzzeled (and eager to resolve concern) I quickly asked "what? what are you thinking? what are you feeling?" she answered simply--"I am trying to feel him." "You're trying to feel him??" I asked. "The Holy Ghost" she said. "him? her? it?"
It was such a tender moment. I remember the first time I met Sara. It was my first day in Leeuwarden and she had been found a few weeks earlier but had been on vacation so we went by to see if maybe she was home yet. She was. It was the first time missionaries had ever been in her home. She asked if we had eaten dinner. We hadn't. So she invited us in to eat the spiciest chinese food I have ever tasted. As I tried to hold back the tears from the burning in my face, we talked to Sara about faith--a topic that was completely foreign to her (she wasn't a Buddhist because she liked meat. also probably other reasons but that, I guess, was a deal breaker.) She talked about how she had seen on T.V. and on movies how people go to a church and they find peace and direction in thier lives and how she wanted to have those types of experiences. We told her she could, and we gave her a place to read in the Book of Mormon. I think it was in Nephi. We came back for our next appointment and started to talk about that chapter and she stopped us saying "first question--who's Nephi? I googled it but I couldn't find any good answers." 
Well. Since, she's learned about prophets. She's come to church where we've translated dutch into english. She's started her own pattern of scripture study by marking all of the scriptures about prayer (how cuute!) and she has gotten baptized and recieved the gift of the Holy Ghost through the restored priesthood in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I would say--she has had the experiences that she has wanted. And the best part was to hear her say "thank you." Because I know that whether or not I had even been here, she would've had this opportunity. But I still got to see her through it. Blessed am I.
I think my favorite part of baptism week was the white underwear talk. You just learn so much about a person while having that talk. The one with the baptizer was probably the best.
Us: Hey, just a reminder, we know this may be awkward but remember to wear white underwear today because otherwise it would be even more awkward.
Him: I have underwear that is predominately white...close enough.
Him: Well, it has some black skateboarder dudes or whatever on it. Perhaps I should go and buy some white ones....
Him: I'll go and do that right now.
Well. To quote myself last week--unashamed of telling you all about their underwear drawers (and other personal matters)--of such are the Dutch!
It's been a great week! Time goes to fast. Seasons change. and the tulips are almost here! Have a beautiful week!
Sending love--
Zuster Hoff

of Such are the Dutch

Title: of Such are the Dutch

I would just like to reassure you all that my bike is indeed not stolen. Hoorah! It's always nice to know that the things you own are owned honestly. The man apparently just really knows how to fix up  bikes and since bikes are in abundance in this country, if you really know where to look for em (or if your really good helper above is lookin our for you), you can find someone who is really good with bikes. Of such are the Dutch. 

On Tuesday, we had a full day. And then all of our appointments cancelled. Some cancelled in a timely fashion...some cancelled when we called. But the best was when the other appointment cancelled just because she heard that our other two appointments cancelled and didn't want to be the only reason that we went out. *facepalm.* Of such are the Dutch.

Wednesday, we tried to go out to a less active member's house to help with the garden and the bus that usually went through her city didn't..and since the stop was showing on the screen as a stop that was GOING TO BE STOPPED AT, we passed the town about two times, going in different directions, only to find out that the bus wasn't going through that city that day and nobody felt that that was worthy to mention. Really great public transportation communication--of such are the Dutch.

Thursday we had a really great appointment with a member referral but it was very hard because he was very particular about every little word used so it felt that he tried to catch us in our words and just had a lot of problems with the way we explained things and it was very trying. Being nit-picky about the way you say every little--of such are the Dutch.

Saturday we had a member come on joint teach (which was really great) but then rant in front of our faces afterwards about how stupid it is the way missionaries do missionary work. She complimented how well we taught...that was nice. But wow. how do you stand up for the first presidency of the church and they're instruction on how to do missionary work and still be one with the members? Bluntness with their opinion and always thinking they know how to do things best--of such are the Dutch.

Sunday, little adorable Sara came to church and handed out her invitations for her baptism and so many people said they couldn't come and it was sad because it wasn't just an "sorry I can't be there," it was offering a multitude of excuses of why whatever they had was more important and also kind of acting insulted and that it was an inconvenience to them that this baptism (that has been planned for THREE months on this day) was planned at a time that didn't work for them. Justifying why they are right in every little thing--of such are the Dutch.

And so when my teachers told me in the MTC that I would fit in really well here...I now know that that wasn't really a compliment. Haha. But I guess the most beautiful part is that people are imperfect--yet we can learn to see trough their weaknesses and flaws and love them in spite of that. My companion has really taught me a lot about that--she is such a  good example of dealing with people and I love her so much. 

I am so excited that Sara is getting baptized! I bet that when she left China, she had no idea that the Netherlands would offer more than just a Master's program education--but when the Lord looked down on her soul and saw her eternal worth--He knew that this is what she was meant for. What a miracle! 

All this paint, and we're finally putting on the second coat--starting with this little Chinese girl. She is about to be white as snow--such as WILL BE the Dutch. 

Happy week to you all! 
Love you,
Zuster Hoff

Consider the Tulips

Title: Consider the Tulips
The land of the tulips has begun to spit some up--everywhere. These are just the pre-season tulips, they're not quite official or anything, but they are beautiful.
This past week has certainly been an interesting one. We have talked to some cool people, taught some cool people, and just had a pretty good week. When the lessons fall through--sometimes there's something better. Or sometimes, there is just a lesson that fell through. But everything has it's reasons.
My "pointless miracles" rant was a little incoherent last week. It was more of an inner debate I had to have with myself. But I think this week I think I want to add to it. It has to do with the quote "sometimes things fall apart so that other things can fall into place." Emphasis on the sometimes. But those sometimes, I've found, are really worth it.
This week, we had an appointment lined up with this really cool guy, we had even called and confirmed it, but we called almost every active woman to be a joint teach, and nobody could come with. So we finally arranged for the elders to come with, and at almost the last minute, he called and said he had to work late. So, it being the half way mark of my companion, we needed to do something to celebrate (and we had also scheduled too many appointments that night for dinner so yay-cancelled appointment means we can eat, in this case) so we decide to go get ice cream. And the sign on the door says it's open until 8 but it is definately not 8 yet, nor is it open. So we turn back, and on the way, there are some men at a bar, sittin outside, who see us and are talking among themselves about the mormons, when my companion, overhearing them, goes up to them and gives them a card. I was just thinking "wow, I wish I was as cool and fearless as my companion. I am going to contact the next person I see." The next person I see happens to be drunk or at least severely intoxicated and was also smoking. He was at least a nice one (mean drunks are not fun) and he actually seemed pretty interested. He talked to us about his addictions--how he had been trying to overcome them but he was in a relapse. He told us about how he hadn't been sleeping. We were able to tell him a little about the enabling power of Jesus Christ's atonement, walk with him to our church to show him where it was, invite him to maybe come to church sometime, and say a little prayer with him. He gave us his address and then we said we'd be in touch. His name sounds like Shirt.
A few days later, my bike decided to just stop working. The back wheel (darn those back wheels) wouldn't turn in a normal circle, it was way too loose but unable to be tightened. Not sure exactly what happened, I just know it stopped working. So we had to walk/take busses/rent a bike. My companion's bike started having issues, too.
Well, Shirt didn't come to church on sunday--we didn't really think anything of it, but today, we went down to the station to take my rented bike back and also took my companion's bike in and we thought we'd go to the church really quick to see if we could pick up a Chinese Book of Mormon. We also took my bike on over to the church so that it wasn't sitting at the station too long and getting taken away. I was practicing the piano when my comp and I heard knocking on the door. We went out to see who it was, and it was Shirt. He seemed a little eccentric today, but he said he was sober and that he had been getting some sleep, so we gave him the benefit of the doubt. We talked to him a little and I mentioned my bike was out of working order and he said he knew an old man who's hobby was bikes--I said I'd rather just buy a new one because mine was so bad--I showed it to him. He agreed. And then he said he'd line me up with a new bike. It kinda didn't seem like he would actually do it, but I thought "well, I need a new one today, so by the time he does, I'll just say I already bought one, and it will be fine." But he left, we went back into the church so I could learn how to play the whole song (top and bottom hand! I am getting so good! haha) and then we got a call from Shirt. He said he got a bike from this old man friend of his and he was on his way back with it--asked if we were still at the church....we were. So..I paid 20 euro and it's actually a really decent bike. Obviously it needs a headlight and a chain to lock it up, but's great. But then there's the question--did he just go steal this bike and now I'm riding a stolen bike?
When do you stop assuming positive intent? How do you ever really know if people are sincere? Maybe he scams people often. But we have his address and phone number. he stupid? Or did he really need somebody to reach out and show him love and now he's giving back? There's also the miracle that we went to the church at that time and stayed for that long and that he came knocking at the church doors. All the signs point to--miracle. Well...a lot of the signs.
Maybe it was a miracle. Or maybe I'll get stopped by the police for stealing a bike and the miracle will be invalidated. Or maybe the person who's bike it is will find me and I'll give the bike back and it will turn out that this person is open and ready to recieve the gospel of Jesus Christ. Or maybe, this miracle is just right in front of me and I need to accept it as such. All it took was one fallen through appointment.
Christ said "consider the lilies of the field how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin;...wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the over, even so will he clothe you if you are not of little faith. Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things..."
I, like Nephi, don't know the meaning of all things. But I know that God loves His children. He knows our needs. And He answers our prayers. 
I don't know if this was also incoherent or made sense...but I feel better now :) Some things fall apart so that others can fall into place. Some things fall into place so that miracles can happen. As Einstein said--there are two ways to live: one is as if everything is a miracle. The other is as if nothing is.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day, friends! I hope you all are wearing green. :)

Pointless Miracles

Title: Pointless Miracles
The debate is this: is any miracle ever pointless? There are so many miracles that happen in this life. We see miracles every day. Coincidentally running into people who, if the situation had been any different or we had stayed in anotehr city until the next bus came or whatever, we otherwise would've missed. Inviting people to make the descision to be baptized and them accepting a date. Even just getting in with someone--having an appointment--being able to make an appointment--being in the right place at the right time. Finding a cheap bike that rides better/is cheaper than the other one you have would be to fix. Making every single bus in the knick of time to get to the next place we need to be. These things make the soul rejoice. They are successes. Sometimes small successes, but still evidence of the divine awareness that God has for us. But what if nothing ever happens from it? What if the number or address we got was fake? What if the person we ran into actually doesn't have any desire to learn more? What if we get stood up time and time again? What if those people change their minds and don't want it anymore--what if they just fall off the face of the planet and you can never get in touch with them again? What if that bike turns out to be completely awful|(all three times)? Do those things invalidate the miracle? Does it make that miraculous moment indeed not even miraculous anymore?
When miracles happen--it's exciting. It makes us feel like God knows us. That He loves us. That He wants us to know that He is aware of us. Maybe "pointless miracles" happen when He knows that we're in need of a pick me up. Or maybe, miracles just aren't ever pointless. Maybe they change us. Or maybe they just lift us up a little higher so that there's more room to fall when that time comes--and maybe it just worsens the pain. But then again, that's like begging the question ïs it better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all?"
I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I don't really know why miracles happen. I don't really know why great things happen when it doesn't even go anywhere. I know that there has to be opposition in all things, but I don't understand why sometimes there's a miracle--we find someone in a miraculous way--we have a really great lesson--we buy a bike that looks like it will be trusty (ugh)--and then we never see that person again--or the next lesson we get dropped--or that bike starts being awful.Was that first thing even a miracle at all? what does the word miracle even mean? Is it something that had to be divinely rearranged? Out of our hands kind of experiences that are too great to be coincidental? I forgot my english pocket dictionary in the states. But even after all the confusion--all the ups and downs and roud abouts--I still believe in miracles. Because I know that God understands the bigger pictures--the things we were never meant to understand. When we can be instruments in His hands, maybe there is a reason that He needs us for that specific purpose at that time. Maybe we will find out why later. Or maybe not. But that's where hope and trust come in.
But the question remains. Is any miracle ever pointless? Well. Is love ever wasted? No. At least, I don't think so. 
"Behold, all things are done in the wosdom of He who knoweth all things."
"I know that He loveth His children, nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things."
I love you all.
Zuster Hoff