Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bye Bye Baby City Breda

So. Transfer calls. My companion goes crazy over information. She craves it. It's a problem. Anyways, the rule is, if you're getting transferred, you get a call on Sunday night. If nothing is happening to you, you don't get a call. So last night, we were waiting for a call and I decided to play a prank on my companion. I change the name of the Roosendaal elders in our phone to President Robinson (because of the dutch phones it puts the last name first, so his real name in our phone was Robinson President) and I texted the elders asking them to call us. So they did, and when Zuster Nelson saw that it said "President Robinson" on the phone, she freaked out. So We answered the phone and in her most professional sounding voice, says "Hello, with the Zusters te Breda!" And on the other end of the phone, our super professional district leader (that's a joke...def not profesh) in the deepest voice he can muster, goes "yo, diggity wiggity." For half a second, Zuster Nelson was so confused and didn't understand what was happening... and then she realized the prank. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my tights.

But the night went on and we didn't get any calls. So we thought we were safe. But the universe got me back this morning in the form of a phone call from the Roosendaal elders saying that I was being thrown up to Assen. What? Well, let's just say it's been a hard day.

I don't like goodbyes, so I usually don't say them. I usually just disappear. But my companion isn't letting me do that. So I guess I get to cry for a few days. 

I am going to miss this place so much. It's where I was born. It is truly paradise. It is beautiful. This past week, we knocked almost every door on this one street looking for this former investigator (the missionaries didn't write his name down on the teaching record) and didn't find him until two days later when we found him at another old investigator's house, a Jehovah's Witness, and we caught them in the middle of bible study and taught them the plan of salvation ON REQUEST. 

We started teaching the daughter of two pastors of the evangelical church. Her whole family has spread anti all over her about the church but she is still open and positive about meeting with us and finding out if our message really is true.

We had an investigator come to church through the rain with her two small children even though she had to take two busses to get there. She said she felt the spirit so strong during testimony meeting that she wanted to get up and bear her testimony, too.

Idaho finally came to church again! And brought her friend! And I bore my testimony in dutch and it was so bad! But I love claiming the language barrier as an excuse sometimes. Haha. 

We went downtown and window shopped with an investigator, then got some ice cream (even though it was freezing) and then sat and taught them the word of wisdom while they drank some alcohol. This is the life. 

When I am teaching, I find that all I have to do is open my mouth and let the spirit testify. Usually something falls out that I had never even thought of before but that provides the answer someone listening is seeking. When I take a step back, I realize--I am really changing people's lives. I am doing it. Well--I am actually just inviting and helping. But I am involved in a great and marvelous work. 

I have no idea what is in store for me in Assen, but I am going to find it. And it is going to be wonderful. 

Love you all! Til next week--

Zuster Hoff from the Zusters te Breda

1 comment:

  1. Title: There's no place like Holland for the Holidays

    And by Holland I mean Drenthe. And by Drenthe I mean Assen. Because it's AWESOME.

    Okay. So I must now express my embarassment for quoting Ezra Taft Benson in my last weeks blog post and crediting Joseph B Wirthlin. Sorry, they are just two dazzlingly brilliant men I just couldn't remember which one said that. Don't worry, I have taken up a more intense study of Preach My Gospel since then.

    Anyway--this week was SO GOOD. So I don't know about other missions, but in this mission, I've never had 12 lessons in a week before. And we just did that. WHAT. UP. We have been working our litle tails off, and the Lord has been delivering MIRACLES.

    A year ago today, I stood up in my singles ward and bore my testimony about how I was so excited to get my mission call. A year ago friday, I recieved my call. TO THE BELGIUM NETHERLANDS MISSION. Friends--that is where I am. And it is an incredible place to be. I can not believe it's already been a year since then. Yesterday marked seven days from the day I entered into the MTC. In the MTC, I remember people saying "when it gets tough, just remember the day you recieved your call" and all I could think was "pfft, more like the day I replied to my call."

    In my acceptance of my call letter, I quoted the fabulous Sheri Dew. "Do you want to be happy? And I mean really and truly happy? Then nurture someone along the path that leads to the temple, and ultimately to Jesus Christ." That's the truth. I am not out here to baptize. I am out here to ETERNALIZE. And That can only be done with Jesus Christ. So it's a good thing got him on my side. And that was all just one big rhyme wow I am such a rap star.

    Speaking of rap star, I told the branch president and his family about my Joseph Smith rap. I'm now the coolest missionary that's ever served in this place.


    This week is going to be SINTERKLAAS. I think that's how you spell it. And I am so excited to have my first (and only) Sinterklaas here in Assen. I'm gonna leave my shoes out. Hopefully I'll get somethin good.

    Speaking of shoes, the soles on my boots are falling off. Shucks. But that's okay because "there will be days like this--when your boots will fill with rain, and you'll be up to your knees in disappointment--but those are the days you have all the more reason to say 'thank you' because nothing is more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shore no matter how many times it's pushed away." --Sarah Kay

    It's gonna be a good week. So smile and decorate! It's DECEMBER!!!!

    Liefs xoxo

    Zuster Hoff
