Tuesday, June 4, 2013

May 21st --We're all on the Lord's Side

Our jersies are our nametags, whether they're pinned on our shirts or painted on our hearts, and a victory for the one is a victory for the Lord.


Imagine you are up in heaven with 2000 people. There are two men standing to the side and one asks to the other "what's going on here?" The other says back "Jehova is coming to pick one of the 2000 to be his personal representative on the earth and his/her job is going to be to go down there and explain what happened up here." Jehova comes, and out of the 2000, He picks you. You are in awe. How lucky are you.


How lucky am I to be able to wear this nametag, with my name next to Jesus Christ's, being His personal representative, and of all times and places, He sends me here, now. How lucky am I to be able to be a part of His work and labor is His vineyard. Pretty dang lucky. Or, as I like to call it, blessed.


Last Tuesday night, Elder Russel M. Nelson came to give a devotional. I got to sing in the choir. It was so neat. Being in the same room as an apostle of the Lord brings a pretty special spirit. I've never been to General Conference, so I was pretty dang giddy. He talked about being happy- "men are that they night have joy--so look like it!" Well. That is definately something to remember. At all times. I've been workin on smiling more lately. My face hurts.


Mary Edmunds came and gave the Sunday devotional and it was SO GREAT. Update: for all who don't know who she is, look her up. I think they said she was the second councilor in the general relief society presidency for 11 years and she and her companion were the first two sisters in the Phillipines or something like that. Anyway, she gets up to speak after an INCREDIBLE musical number and says "May I just say 'hubba hubba.'" Hahaha she's so old and just hilarious. She also talked about having joy. "it is not just a suggestion, it is a commandment." She said that when your countenance shines with the light of Christ, people will want to know why. When you have the gospel and you know that it's true, what reason have ye to be sad? Satan, or as Sister Edmunds calls him, "What's his no-face" (cuz he doesn't have a face cuz he doesn't have a body, get it? ha-ha) cant make you have a sad countenance, only you can--so diss him and dismiss him! (Yeah, she actually said that. She is pretty sassy.)


She went on to say some other good stuff like turn your life over to God--He can make more of it than you can. And also, when you're on a mission, you have help from both sides of the viel. Aint that the truth. Sister Nelson, last Tuesday, said to pray to find the people whose ancestors are praying for you. I found that interesting. Pretty sweet.


I have also been teaching the first vision quite a lot and I was feeling like it was so rote and then Mary Edmunds brought up such a wonderful point: think of all the prayers throughout eternity that were answered that 1820 morning when Joseph Smith went to pray.


Ladies and gentlemen, the power of prayer is real. Let me explain you a thing about tender mercies. After a cafeteria line longer than my great-grandmother's life, there was one piece of carrot cake (basically the best part of the entire MTC) left. For me. I testify that God lives and He loves us.


So the weeks are going by so fast and I don't even know what to talk about. My sister told me to tell her about my adventures, but seriously it's pretty routine here. I find it so crazy we are already halfway through these 6 MTC weeks.


So literally every morning, we get up at 6:30, go to gym, go to Breakfast , go to class, sing, learn, teach "investigators," sing, study, lunch, class, sing, learn, teach "investigators," sing, language study, dinner, more studying (unless it's sunday or tuesday and we have a devotional) and then we go to room and sleep at 10:30. That's the life of a missionary at the MTC. It's really fun but it's not very...adventurous.

Tomorrow we are starting an english fast for the next three weeks. Good luck with that, I say to my entire district. We haven't even made it for a day yet. But hey, I have faith we can do it.


I have also been lied to for three weeks. It is not zoo-stir hoff but it's like...z-ehh-ster hoff. Or whatever. We decided that if we say it fast enough it'll sound right.


I laugh a lot here. There are some pretty hilarious people and things that happen. The girls in my district are hilarious. Mostly just Zuster Schwab, though. She is one of the most entertaining people I have ever met. I was planning on writing bios for you on all the girls in my room/district (because they're the same girls in my room and in my district) but it looks like I am about out of time. I'll have to sometime, though. They're just too great not to tell about.


True to the faith, Brothers and Sisters,


Have a wonderful life in the real world.


Send letters--my comp is still way more popular than me. Let's even it out, shall we? You can send a letter for free at Dearelder.com (I am a sister...Kiki sent letters to Elder Tyffani Hoff...I still got them though so yay.) And if you're a fan of snail mail, take advantage of my next 3 weeks in the US:


Zuster Tyffani Hoff

MTC Mailbox #63


2005 N 900 E

Provo, UT 84604


Off to learn how to bring the world His truth!


Tot ziens!
Zuster Hoff

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