Tuesday, June 4, 2013

May 28th- All is Well. All is Well.

We sang Come Come Ye Saints at devotional on Sunday with the recording of MoTab. Yeah, it was rocking. "Why should we mourn and think our lot is hard? Tis not so. All is well."

This week has been...pretttyyy uneventful. Our Norweigians in our branch have left us, so now the Sweeds, Danes, and Norweigians have left and there's only the Dutch. We're next! Two weeks! Tomorrow we get more Sweeds and more Dutch, but these Dutch are going to Suriname. We have two of those right now. They leave next week.

Sydney, or now known as Sister Williams, came in on wednesday and I got the pleasure of seeing her cute face. And taking a picture with it. With her camera, though, so...yaya!

Anyway. Let's see. This past week has been crazy fast. They just keep getting faster. And you want to know what's crazy? My release date from missionary service is October 28 2014. Today officially makes me 1 month down, 17 to go. CRAZY. I feel like I'm wasting time! But there's still so much to learn and so much to take in, so I will chill out (even tjillen, as the Dutch say) and just do all I can to make myself as ready as can be for my trainer that I'll be meeting in TWO WEEKS.

On Sunday, we watched Sister Monson's funeral. :(  How sweet. I am so thankful for the Plan of Salvation and for knowing that the end of mortality is not the end of life. I love the comfort we can find in even the most sorrowful times and I am thankful for how thin the veil gets when we have that much pain. I'm thankful for Christ's atonement, knowing full well that He decended all the pains and sins and sorrows of life and has overcome them all, even the world, that we too can overcome trials and tribulations through Him, our Savior and Redeemer. I am thankful  that Christ suffered alone so that we never have to and I find comfort in knowing that every trial we must face is necessary for our salvation. Christ suffered the most pain of all and He was the only begotten of the Father.  The nail wounds in His hands and feet are evidence that pain happens to even the pure and perfect and that trails are not evidence that God doesn't love us (I got that from Jeffery R Holland, so...yeah he's a genius.) I love this gospel. I love my nametag that puts my family's name and Christ's name engraved the grandest so that I never forget who I'm representing. And I'm thankful for learning dutch, even though my english has been suffering because of it.

I love the gift of tongues. I can gage how present and strong the spirit is in a lesson according to how well I can find words. Those days that I can say everything I want to and it all comes smoothly--those are the days that blow my mind. It's awesome.

I really love dutch.

In Relief Society on Sunday, the first councilor in the relief society presidency was supposed to come talk to us. Yep, she never showed up...so I hope she's okay.

I seriously never get time to think so I dont have a lot else to report about what else happened this past week. I can remember what I did today. ----laundry. Hurrah for clean clothes. Can I get an Amen?

OH! I got a letter from my girl Sister Nordgren last week. It was a prank letter. Glitter all up in everything. What up. Finally gettin back what I've been dishing out. And I love it. My companion/district? Not so crazy about it. But I think it's hilarious. Please send prank letters. I got another one today from Sister Hendricks. Confetti in that one. I love sister missionaries.

Here is a quick overview of my district sisters/roomies:

Zus Schwab: she sings a mean alto line. She is hilarious. She wants to be a elementary school teacher and believe you me, she would be fantastic. She's kind of like me in that she is like a 6 year old in a 20 year old's body. She has an awesome relationship with her scriptures and she lights up my life.

Zus Aston: Pretty quiet, but really funny and sweet when she talks. Just about the cutest sister missionary. she's pretty small. She just turned 19 in March. She's just wonderful and I'm thankful for her and her perspective.

Zus Nelson: Pretty much the nicest person ever. First week I said I thought I forgot socks and she gave me one of her pairs. She's given me cute skirts because she's the sweetest. Always smiles. always happy. Always positive like I want to be. Always cute outfits. And she's passionate about the work which is refreshing.

Zus Aldous: A world traveller. She's been to 22 countries and she's fluent in German (so this dutch thing is a walk in the park for her. she just needs to add more phlegm. She is pretty tiny. She's 21 and she's so sweet and postivie and she with Nelson is a Sister Training leader for the branch. So Perfect, they make the best team.

and then we have my comp, Zus Western: She's beautiful. She is graduated from college with a degree in neuropsychology (so look out we have a genius here) and she is fairly quiet (so you can imagine how much she loves her companion) and she sings like an angel. We sing together and it's magical. She has a beautiful smile (perfect teeth without braces or cavities ever. how do you do that?) and...she's actually pretty funny so we laugh a lot. I love laughing, so that's good. OH, and she's way popular and gets like 12 letters a day.

Look out Belgium/Netherlands, we're coming for you. We gon find you. and you can run and tell that,  homeboy. (10 points to anyone who understands that reference)


That's my week and my district.

I would say write me...but that hasn't proved effective in the past. Hahaha

Love you



Zuster Hoff



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