Monday, March 31, 2014

Dance Party of One

Title: Dance Party of One
So my dance partyin, back up rappin, beat boxin, hardcore awesome companion goes home this week. It looks like I'm about to be a dance party of one. Watch out America, yous about to get rocked.
Anyway. This week was wonderful. And do you know why it was wonderful? Because It was Valentines day. And what the world needs is LOVE. Sweet love.
so what you do for valentines day as a sister missionary? Have the best day of your life. Paint the town red and pink and purple. and Spread the love.
We were super sneaky flower/note droppers. We heart attacked our branch president's desk. We went on a date to the Pannekoekschip. That's right, the PANCAKE SHIP. We made it look very professional and dignified, don't worry. BUT WE ATE PANCAKES ON A SHIP. Look out the window and what do we see? NOT popcorn popping off the apricot tree--WATER. because WE WERE ON A SHIP. It was really cool, brothers and sisters. We also ate chocolate and gave out love notes (pass along cards...) and also real notes with love in them (because we love our investigators) and then to end the night, we had a candlelight dinner with a recent convert and her sister. We made (and then destroyed) a heart shaped pinata. I wrote a love song. And then we had a dance party.
and then we did as the dutch do and planned (on the day after valentines day) a second valentines day (they do it with christmas, easter, and pinkster day--why not valentines day?) and we ate fondue and watched Together Forever. I love cheesy church movies. Best.
And that's what I love about missionary work. Spreading LOVE. Making people feel important--because they are. We are ALL children of God and He loves us perfectly.
Love is...
-being stood up by the elders at a dinner appointment with one our male investigators so having the zuster of the senior couple come with us so we could go in and eat with him, and then going home the next night and finding apology brownies in the mailbox from the elders.
-making dinner for young couples who are about to have a baby and eating with them while they teach us African (Pigeon) english. It is english words but it doesn't sound anything like english.
-watching russian conference talks with less actives while eating popcorn (we really like movie nights. thought we'd bring the american tradition of movie and popcorn.)
-lip syncing to african choirs at old members homes while they make pig shoulder for dinner.
These little things add up to the big whole of THE BEST (almost 2) YEARS.
I love my calling and my city. And I am so thankful for all the prayers of the people back home who are supporting me. I love you guys! I feel your prayers every day. Thank you.
Zuster Hoff

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