Monday, March 31, 2014

Pointless Miracles

Title: Pointless Miracles
The debate is this: is any miracle ever pointless? There are so many miracles that happen in this life. We see miracles every day. Coincidentally running into people who, if the situation had been any different or we had stayed in anotehr city until the next bus came or whatever, we otherwise would've missed. Inviting people to make the descision to be baptized and them accepting a date. Even just getting in with someone--having an appointment--being able to make an appointment--being in the right place at the right time. Finding a cheap bike that rides better/is cheaper than the other one you have would be to fix. Making every single bus in the knick of time to get to the next place we need to be. These things make the soul rejoice. They are successes. Sometimes small successes, but still evidence of the divine awareness that God has for us. But what if nothing ever happens from it? What if the number or address we got was fake? What if the person we ran into actually doesn't have any desire to learn more? What if we get stood up time and time again? What if those people change their minds and don't want it anymore--what if they just fall off the face of the planet and you can never get in touch with them again? What if that bike turns out to be completely awful|(all three times)? Do those things invalidate the miracle? Does it make that miraculous moment indeed not even miraculous anymore?
When miracles happen--it's exciting. It makes us feel like God knows us. That He loves us. That He wants us to know that He is aware of us. Maybe "pointless miracles" happen when He knows that we're in need of a pick me up. Or maybe, miracles just aren't ever pointless. Maybe they change us. Or maybe they just lift us up a little higher so that there's more room to fall when that time comes--and maybe it just worsens the pain. But then again, that's like begging the question ïs it better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all?"
I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I don't really know why miracles happen. I don't really know why great things happen when it doesn't even go anywhere. I know that there has to be opposition in all things, but I don't understand why sometimes there's a miracle--we find someone in a miraculous way--we have a really great lesson--we buy a bike that looks like it will be trusty (ugh)--and then we never see that person again--or the next lesson we get dropped--or that bike starts being awful.Was that first thing even a miracle at all? what does the word miracle even mean? Is it something that had to be divinely rearranged? Out of our hands kind of experiences that are too great to be coincidental? I forgot my english pocket dictionary in the states. But even after all the confusion--all the ups and downs and roud abouts--I still believe in miracles. Because I know that God understands the bigger pictures--the things we were never meant to understand. When we can be instruments in His hands, maybe there is a reason that He needs us for that specific purpose at that time. Maybe we will find out why later. Or maybe not. But that's where hope and trust come in.
But the question remains. Is any miracle ever pointless? Well. Is love ever wasted? No. At least, I don't think so. 
"Behold, all things are done in the wosdom of He who knoweth all things."
"I know that He loveth His children, nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things."
I love you all.
Zuster Hoff

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