Monday, March 31, 2014

Amazing Grace

Title: Amazing Grace
When beautiful events happen on a mission, all of the worrying about numbers and key indicators and other techinical factors disappear--and I remember what I'm here for. God's children. Serving the Lord. And finding joy in the journey.
One of the most beautiful moments I have ever witnessed on my mission was the event this past weekend of Sara getting baptized. She was dressed in a long white dress that made her look like an angel. She said she felt like she was wearing pajamas. She was sitting in front of me as I was explaining what would happen and she got very quiet. Puzzeled (and eager to resolve concern) I quickly asked "what? what are you thinking? what are you feeling?" she answered simply--"I am trying to feel him." "You're trying to feel him??" I asked. "The Holy Ghost" she said. "him? her? it?"
It was such a tender moment. I remember the first time I met Sara. It was my first day in Leeuwarden and she had been found a few weeks earlier but had been on vacation so we went by to see if maybe she was home yet. She was. It was the first time missionaries had ever been in her home. She asked if we had eaten dinner. We hadn't. So she invited us in to eat the spiciest chinese food I have ever tasted. As I tried to hold back the tears from the burning in my face, we talked to Sara about faith--a topic that was completely foreign to her (she wasn't a Buddhist because she liked meat. also probably other reasons but that, I guess, was a deal breaker.) She talked about how she had seen on T.V. and on movies how people go to a church and they find peace and direction in thier lives and how she wanted to have those types of experiences. We told her she could, and we gave her a place to read in the Book of Mormon. I think it was in Nephi. We came back for our next appointment and started to talk about that chapter and she stopped us saying "first question--who's Nephi? I googled it but I couldn't find any good answers." 
Well. Since, she's learned about prophets. She's come to church where we've translated dutch into english. She's started her own pattern of scripture study by marking all of the scriptures about prayer (how cuute!) and she has gotten baptized and recieved the gift of the Holy Ghost through the restored priesthood in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I would say--she has had the experiences that she has wanted. And the best part was to hear her say "thank you." Because I know that whether or not I had even been here, she would've had this opportunity. But I still got to see her through it. Blessed am I.
I think my favorite part of baptism week was the white underwear talk. You just learn so much about a person while having that talk. The one with the baptizer was probably the best.
Us: Hey, just a reminder, we know this may be awkward but remember to wear white underwear today because otherwise it would be even more awkward.
Him: I have underwear that is predominately white...close enough.
Him: Well, it has some black skateboarder dudes or whatever on it. Perhaps I should go and buy some white ones....
Him: I'll go and do that right now.
Well. To quote myself last week--unashamed of telling you all about their underwear drawers (and other personal matters)--of such are the Dutch!
It's been a great week! Time goes to fast. Seasons change. and the tulips are almost here! Have a beautiful week!
Sending love--
Zuster Hoff

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