Saturday, October 4, 2014

Auguat 25

Title: "Wij zijn ook Thank You."

The title literally translated means "we are also 'thank you'" You may be thinking--that is not correct verb use there. You would be right. But when the cutest little Eritrean family tells you that they are also thank you, you do not do anything but smile and possibly cry because of how unbelievably cute they are. 

This week, we met with them three times. The third one was at church because they came to church! And they liked it! IT WAS SO GOOD. They said they felt so good and it felt so good to have them there. 
The first time we met with them they showed us pictures of their 9 yeear old son in the hospital. They said that the first time we met them, it was the day that he got out of the hospital and that when we talked to them for the first time, they knew that we had a message for them from God. They said that in their country, there were no people that would teach them about understanding scripture and that they were so happy that we could help them. Then he asked a heartbreaking question of why the Book of Mormon wasn't translated in Trigrenia. 

The next appointment we apologized that the Book of Mormon wasn't in their first language, but he said it didn't matter. That it was in Amharic and that was good enough. and that if it wasn't in Amharic, they'd learn it in Dutch or in English, but no matter what, they were learning it. 

Every time before we leave we thank them for being the sweetest people in the world and letting us in their home to teach them and being so willing to learn, but when they say it back--when they look into our eyes and say "wij zijn ook thank you" we know that as much as we are thankful for them, they are even more thankful for us. I've only ever felt that few times in my mission--but it's beautiful to see that what we are offering people is a way to eternal life. Eternal joy. And eternal families. And it's something that they could never really repay us for. And because they recognize this-- because they are some of the few that realize how important this is-- I am also thank you.


Zuster Hoff

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