Saturday, October 4, 2014

September 8

Title: Nothing is Veilig!

Nothing is safe!
Well I don't have that much time this week to tell all the things I wanna tell but GUESS WHAT. We went stealth ninja style to catch some mice and using the trashcantilted on it's side, we did catch a mouse. We thought we heard her so we lifted it up normally and peeked in and you know what we found? Sure enough,  a mouse. AND THEN ALSO HER FIVE BABIES THAT SHE JSUT HAD. So we took out the trash (yeah, companion's idea, I don't know what I would've done differently but now they're out of the house at least...) and cleaned the whole kitched because nothing is veilig, and after we cleaned everything the mice could have touched...we sat on the couch for a few minutes and then we saw it....another mouse came out onto the counter. And then there was one under the fridge. THERE IS A MOUSE ARMY. SO we stayed up trying to catch the others, but with no luck. These mice are like super trained or something. I remembered that once I caught a mouse using duct tape so we put that all over and the mice avoided that, too! So it seems like this mouse in the house saga is to be continued...and until then, NOTHING IS VEILIG! 

In other news, we set a baptismal date with Curicao! He's the coolest! We also brought the elders to give Our Eritrean family blessings. It is so sweet because even though they don't really understand english or dutch, they are so sensitive to the spirit. They speak the language of the spirit, and that is the most important. We've also been doing some really cool things like going to cheese farms and windmills and other fun places before my comp goes home. It's been a party. Today we're going to that place where i's like Holland in miniature. It's called Maduradam or something. It's gonna be really cool.

We also had this really cool miracle this week where we were knocking doors like all dat and this lady belled us in without knowing who we were and then when she heard that we were missionaries she invited us right on in and we taught her the restoration and she said 6 weeks ago she left her church and has been looking for a new one and wants to come to our church and has been asking God and that we were sent from him. She said she'd come to church and it was a really cool miracle! then she called two days later ad dropped us. 
Such is the life. 
And it's WONDERFUL. I wouldn't trade it for anythin--and I ask the Lord everynight ....FOR JUST ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE! 
That's today! 
I love you all!
Zuster Hoff

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