Saturday, October 4, 2014

september 15

Title: I Don't Always See Sunflowers

What happened this week? Whitewash. Stolen bike. Elder Ballard. Blessings. Rotterdam Philharmonic. Baptismal date with Eritrea. Mouse proofed house.

Yep. So The transfer call came yesterday. The transfer call that said we'd be being white washed. Let's get that out of the way right now. My comp is leaving to go home. I am going to Zoetermeer. And my new companion is going to be ZUSTER SPENCER--we've prophesied of our eventual companionship since the MTC, and sure enough, our last transfer, it has come to pass! We're both pretty stoked. 

My bike got stolen. So I'll be moving to my fifth city and my fifth bike. Luckily one of the sisters going home is real happy to give me her bike. I love her. 

Elder Ballard came. It was incredible. I learned so much from him. Like what? You have no time to be anything but great. Teach the message and importance of the Restoration. Make people FEEL your testimony. Make sure they know how to PRAY. Man, that man is an apostle of God, I'll tell you what. And I got to shake his hand! I was the very last one. Best for last, right? :) 

I got a blessing! My first blessing on my mission. I know that the priesthood is real, it helped so much! I usually don't ask for blessings but I did and it was so good! God wants to help us and he is just waiting until we are willing to humble ourselves enough to acknowledge that we cant help ourselves as much as He can. It was wonderful. The priesthood holder said afterwards Ï don't always see sunflowers when I give blessings." It was funny in context. But also cool. 

A couple in our ward are from Russia and they are world famous violin players and they LOVE us so the husband is first chair in the Rotterdam Philharmonic and so they got us tickets AND permission from President to go! It was insane. I ached for my bass again. 

The Eritrean family dad wants to get baptized! They all have hearts of gold. We did an activity with them with footsteps and had them follow the footsteps to the picture of Jesus and on the footsteps were the steps of the gospel--the little girl did it first and when she got to Jesus, she kissed the photo. It was PRECIOUS. I am going to miss them hardcore. 

Aaand we also mouse proofed our house. all our food is in containers and we don't know what is where. So it'll be an adventure for these new sisters coming in. 

I love you friends! Have a great week! 

Zuster Hoff

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