Saturday, October 4, 2014

September 1

Title: A Mouse in the House

I know what you're probably thinking--"wow, Zuster Hoff has decided to do a Dr. Seuss style blog post" and you would be wrong. 
Of course the other possibility is that you were thinking "Oh, no. There's a mouse in Zuster Hoff and Zuster Mizell's apartment." And on that note, you would be right. Not only do we have a mouse, but we have the smartest mouse ever. You would think, "hey let's get a trap and put peanut butter on it. Mice like peanut butter." And then when it doesn't eat the peanut butter, you'd be like "well maybe he likes cheese better." And then when that doesn't work and you figure, "Oh, he's a Dutch mouse, he must like stroopwafels" and you try to catch him with a stroopwafel, HE STILL WONT JUST FALL FOR IT. 

So then you give in to mouse poison. But then, I came out to get a drink of water in the middle of the night and there he was. Running across the counter--out of sight. Indicating that he is still alive. And it turns out that nothing is going to kill this mouse. He is invicible. So we have decided to replace his name, Mickey, and call him Albert. 

And on that note, I don't really know a good segway (is that how you spell that word?) into talking about other things this week, but I guess I could say that sometimes, we are the mouse that the world is trying to catch, and often times we have to outsmart the traps, and the poison that comes our way. And sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard but it's always possible. My companion always says that there are three things in life that are sure-- 1. taxes 2. death and 3. the Atonement. And with the Atonement we can overcome all obstacles, (even the first two. haha just kidding about the taxes I have no idea how to overcome that one.) 

This week in missionary work was good. We found lost sheep (many who didn't wanna come back to the fold :( ) and we had some great lessons with Eritrea! They are the cutest. They couldn't come to church this week but they wanted to--they had family visiting. But our other investigator from Curicao came! He was even an HOUR early. That's what's up.

Yep yep yep, we're just rollin on a river...or..canal...but rollin on a canal doesn't have the same flow. 
wow...that opened the door for a lot more puns that I am NOT GOING TO MAKE. 
Okay. Love you all!


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