Tuesday, July 22, 2014

one year anniversary

Title: One Year Anniversary
Is there something for the one year anniversary? Is it paper? or is that five years? Well. I don't know. But I have renamed the one year anniversary the tulip anniversary. Because to celebrate a whole year together, I treated my nametag right this week. I took a pretty great photoshoot of it with the tulips at Keukenhof. I took it to the temple. I showed it off for everyone--really proud to wear that guy on my chest for a whole year now. 
I remember that exactly a year ago on that day I was getting all of my luggage out of the car and saying goodbye to my dad and walking through the MTC building and having them put my nametag on me. At that moment--I was so overcome with joy. I was a representative of Christ. I was about to learn Dutch. I was a MISSIONARY.
And I still am. I have gotten a few letters lately from different people who have reminded me how lucky I am to be a missionary. I have too often taken my nametag for granted. I have not worn it as proudly as I should. I have not respected the authority that it deserves. But what a silly thing to take for granted when the there are only 18 short months--18 fast sundays--that I will be able to wear it for.
Appreciate the good, the bad, and the crazy. Because the one year anniversary is the only one I'll get.
It's Cinco de Mayo. But the Dutch call it--Bevrijdingsdag. I don't care what they call it, as long as it's a party :)
Zuster Hoff

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